Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fancy Fried Egg Sandwich

By now you should know how much I love a good egg breakfast. I've already shared with you my Breakfast QuesadillaEggs Florentine, Fried Egg over Cheesy Breakfast Potatoes, and Spinach Ricotta Scrambled Eggs but don't worry I still have many many more to share with you. Starting with my Fancy Fried Egg Sandwich. Its the ultimate breakfast sandwich...hearty, healthy, and soo good! 

One of my favorite breakfast spots ever is The Cottage in La Jolla. I used to live around the corner from the popular restaurant and would walk over way too much for their delicious Fried Egg Sandwich or Strawberry Country French Toast. Now that I moved to a different house, I realized it was about time to start making the sandwich myself and omit what I didn't like and add my own touches! And I have to say...its even better than the original and doesn't have as big of a price tag! Not to say that I will stop eating at the Cottage, I'm still a loyal fan and at least there I don't have to do the dishes ;) 

Now back to the fancy sandwich...You start by frying two eggs. 
While that's cooking, start assembling! Top toasted sourdough bread with melted cheddar cheese and tomato slices. Those are the essentials. 
But to make it fancy, I add some sliced red onion and avocado. 
To make it extra fancy, I add some arugula as well!
The gooey fried egg and melted cheddar cheese, the spicy arugula and red onion, the tangy tomato, the creamy avocado, and the crispy toast make for one killer breakfast sandwich! You might notice a trend here, this sandwich is very similar to one of my other favorite sandwiches Not Your Mama's Tuna Melt...I'm a big fan of the "don't fix what's not broken" philosophy and I think there is no better sandwich taste combo so why not use it for breakfast too!! 
 Serve the Fancy Fried Egg Sandwich along with a fruit salad for a breakfast you won't soon forget.

Fancy Fried Egg Sandwich

2 eggs
2 slices of sourdough toast
2 slices of cheddar cheese
1-2 tablespoons of butter
sliced tomato
sliced red onion
sliced avocado
handful of baby arugula
salt and pepper

Heat your pan over medium heat and let it warm up. Add butter to the pan and once it has melted and evenly coated the pan, crack your eggs into the pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook until the white part appears solid about two minutes and then carefully flip the eggs being careful not to break the yolk. Cook for an additional minute or until desired doneness. 

Lightly toast your bread. Layer with melted cheese, sliced tomato, red onion, avocado and a handful of baby arugula.

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