Monday, July 2, 2012

Strawberry Margaritas

Its Summer. Its a Monday. I don't think I need any more reasons why you deserve a cocktail. So that's why I'm sharing with you my recipe for my favorite frozen concoction...Strawberry Margaritas! 
There's no reason why you should only enjoy this treat when your out at your favorite Mexican restaurant or on a tropical vacation. Its cheaper at home, not nearly as artificially sweet ( i.e hangover waiting to happen), and has only a couple of ingredients. Strawberries, tequila, sweetened lime juice, triple sec, ice, and sugar! Of course it would be even more delicious with high quality Tequila and Cointreau instead of triple sec...but I'm broke and in my twenties so good ole Jose was invited to the fiesta instead and I had no complaints :)
All you have to do is blend 2 cups chopped strawberries, 6 ounces tequila, 2 ounces triple sec, 2 ounces of sweetened lime juice, and two heaping handfuls of ice until smooth. You could also use fresh lime juice but I like the added sweetness in Rose's lime juice so its not too tart of a marg!
Fill a small bowl with some lime juice and a small plate with sugar. Dip the rim of your serving glass into the bowl and then onto the sugar plate for a perfectly sugared rim. 
And after pouring your margaritas, garnish each with a fresh strawberry on the side. Now isn't that the cutest dang margarita you've ever seen???
Or if your my poor boyfriend...or a boyfriend of any food blogger for that just stick a straw into the blender because you're tired of waiting for all the pictures to be taken before you even get a sip hahaha! I had to include this picture because it was just too funny!
 We enjoyed these margaritas on a beautiful summer day before going to the San Diego Fair. It gave us the perfect little buzz to walk around and play fair games, take silly photo booth photos, win pink stuffed animals, and try chocolate covered bacon! All in all, it was a perfect cocktail to start a perfect afternoon!
 I fell in love with this adorable stand at the fair, can't you just imagine it reading Cook a Mama and me passing out cupcakes, cookies, and strawberry margaritas! That would be a dream come true :)

Strawberry Margaritas

2 cups fresh chopped strawberries
6 ounces tequila
2 ounces triple sec
2 ounces Rose's sweetened lime juice
2 heaping handfuls of ice
Sugar for rimming the glasses
Whole Strawberries

Blend chopped strawberries, tequila, triple sec, sweetened lime juice, and ice in blender until smooth.

Dip the rim of serving glasses into lime juice and then sugar for a sugared rim and garnish each rim with a whole strawberry.  Enjoy!

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