Saturday, June 23, 2012

Backyard Summer Entertaining Pt 2: Nutella S'mores

So as promised here is my Part 2 of Backyard Summer Entertaining...Part 1 was all about my addicting, famous Spinach Dip  and refreshing Wine Spritzers. Part 2 is going to be short and sweet. Nothing says Summer like S'mores! Toasting marshmallows over an open fire instantly brings back so many fond childhood memories of bonfire nights at the beach and camping with my family by the lake. So I thought why not bring back a childhood favorite and sophisticate it just a bit. And Viola, Nutella S'mores!

I was enjoying one of those nights that only happen during summertime. My boyfriend and I felt it was acceptable to eat an entire bowl of my spinach dip as dinner and enjoy one too many glasses of Wine Spritzers. He built a large bonfire in the backyard and we sat looking at the stars and listening to Jack Johnson until the wee hours of the night....And the best part of it all was the Nutella S'mores. Sorry Chad, the company was great but you know you can never truly compete with chocolate ;) 

Granted there is no serious recipe for Nutella S'mores and I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this brilliant idea but I still wanted to share it because it was groundbreaking for me. I always loved S'mores but I always had wished the chocolate could melt down a little bit instead of just having a big awkward Hershey bar in the middle. So Nutella was the perfect solution, its already creamy but it gets nice and warm from the toasted marshmallow and provides you with the ooey goeyist S'more you will ever see! Plus the added flavor of the hazelnuts really elevates the flavor. They were SO good, I'm begging you to try them during your summer camping trip or bonfire night! Next time I think I'm going to try them with some sliced banana mmm....who knew the S'more could get so fancy?!

Nutella S'mores for Two

2 marshmallows 
2 graham crackers, split in half 

Spread two sides of the graham cracker with a generous amount of Nutella. Roast marshmallows over an open fire. Place toasted marshmallow on top of Nutella and top each S'more with the remaining graham crackers. 
*Could also add sliced banana or strawberry for an even fancier S'more!

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